What is Customer Journey Mapping?

Ruben Buijs

Founder & Digital Consultant

Written on Aug 1, 2023

2 minutes

Customer Experience

Customer journey mapping is a powerful tool used by businesses to visualize and understand the entire experience a customer goes through when interacting with their brand. It provides a comprehensive view of the customer's interactions, emotions, and touchpoints across different stages of their journey. By creating a visual representation of the customer's experience, businesses can identify pain points, opportunities for improvement, and design strategies to enhance the overall customer experience.


To better understand customer journey mapping, let's consider an example of an online clothing retailer. The customer journey may begin with the customer browsing the website, adding items to their cart, and proceeding to the checkout. After placing an order, they receive email updates on the status of their shipment. Once the package arrives, they try on the clothes and may provide feedback or reviews. This example illustrates various touchpoints and interactions the customer has with the brand, highlighting the importance of mapping their journey.


Customer journey mapping plays a crucial role in improving the overall customer experience. It enables businesses to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points, which can inform strategic decision-making. By understanding the customer journey, businesses can identify areas where the experience may fall short, leading to customer dissatisfaction or abandonment. It also helps in aligning various departments within an organization to deliver a consistent and seamless customer experience across channels.

How to Use Customer Journey Mapping

  1. Identify customer personas: Start by creating detailed customer personas that represent different segments of your target audience. This helps in understanding the unique needs, motivations, and goals of each customer group.

  2. Define customer touchpoints: Map out all the touchpoints where customers interact with your brand, such as website visits, social media engagement, customer service interactions, and post-purchase interactions.

  3. Gather customer feedback: Collect data and feedback from customers at each touchpoint to understand their experiences, pain points, and expectations. This can be done through surveys, interviews, social media listening, or customer support interactions.

  4. Create a visual representation: Use a visual template or software to create a visual representation of the customer journey. This can be a timeline or a flowchart that captures the various stages, touchpoints, and emotions experienced by the customer.

  5. Analyze and identify gaps: Analyze the customer journey map to identify gaps, pain points, and areas for improvement. Look for opportunities to enhance the customer experience, streamline processes, or introduce new touchpoints to address customer needs.

  6. Implement improvements: Based on the insights gained from the customer journey map, develop strategies and initiatives to improve the customer experience. This could involve optimizing touchpoints, personalizing interactions, or addressing pain points to create a smoother journey.

Useful Tips

  • Involve cross-functional teams from different departments when creating the customer journey map to ensure a holistic perspective.
  • Continuously update and refine the customer journey map as customer preferences, expectations, and touchpoints evolve.
  • Consider using data analytics and customer journey mapping software to gain deeper insights and automate the process.
  • Validate the customer journey map by seeking feedback from customers to ensure its accuracy and relevance.


Customer journey mapping is a visual representation of the steps a customer takes when interacting with a company, from initial contact to eventual purchase and beyond.
Customer journey mapping is important because it helps businesses understand their customers' experiences and identify areas for improvement, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Customer journey mapping is done by gathering data and insights about customers' interactions with a company, and then creating a visual representation of their journey using techniques like personas, empathy mapping, and touchpoint analysis.
Some benefits of customer journey mapping include gaining a deeper understanding of customer needs and expectations, identifying pain points and opportunities for improvement, enhancing customer satisfaction, and aligning business processes to better serve customers.
Customer journey mapping should involve representatives from various departments within a company, including marketing, sales, customer service, and product development, to ensure a holistic view of the customer experience.
Customer journey maps should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in customer behavior, market trends, and business strategies. It is recommended to revisit and update them at least once a year.
Some common challenges in customer journey mapping include obtaining accurate and comprehensive data, aligning different departments' perspectives, keeping the maps updated, and effectively analyzing and acting upon the insights gained.
Yes, customer journey mapping can be applied to online businesses. It helps to understand the digital touchpoints, user experience, and interactions throughout the online customer journey, leading to improved online customer experiences.
Customer journey mapping contributes to customer-centricity by putting the customer at the center of the business strategy. It helps companies empathize with their customers, identify pain points, and make informed decisions to meet customer expectations and deliver exceptional experiences.
There are various tools and software available for customer journey mapping, such as journey mapping platforms, graphic design software, collaboration tools, and customer feedback management systems. The choice depends on the specific needs and resources of the organization.

Article by

Ruben Buijs

Ruben, the founder of Boei, leverages over a decade of consultancy experience at Ernst & Young to optimize lead generation. Boei specializes in converting website visitors into qualified leads. Outside of work, Ruben is passionate about crossfit and enjoys gaming occasionally.

Table of contents

  1. Examples
  2. Importance
  3. How to Use Customer Journey Mapping
  4. Useful Tips
  5. Related Terms

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