Get Solar Leads: 8 Proven Lead Generation Tactics for 2024

Ruben Buijs

8 minutes ยท Written on July 22, 2024

Looking to improve your solar lead generation in 2024? This guide provides eight effective tactics for increasing your flow of qualified leads. Stay ahead of the competition and ensure your solar business continues to grow.

8 valuable ways to get solar leads using specific solar marketing

  1. Solar website lead gen tool
  2. Power of SEO
  3. Social Media
  4. Webinars
  5. Facebook Groups
  6. Referrals and Affiliates
  7. Telemarketing
  8. Advertise your solar business online

1. Solar website lead gen tool: get free solar leads from website visitors

Up next, we're focusing on driving more traffic to your website. First on the agenda is installing a lead generation tool. With this in place, you can expect a 240% increase in converting visitors to leads. How? By capturing essential info like email addresses and phone numbers, and even scheduling appointments directly on the site.

How it looks:

The ultimate goal is to make it as simple as possible for potential leads to make that first point of contact with you.

2. Power of SEO: Potential leads search for solar companies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for getting found online and can position you as an industry expert. Blogs, eBooks, and how-to guides can not only help with solar lead generation but also boost your SEO efforts, helping potential leads find you when they search for solar services.

Imagine this scenario: High electricity bills are bothering a homeowner. Naturally, they turn to Google and search for "how to reduce electricity bills". To their delight, one of your well-crafted blog posts appears in the search results. The homeowner, impressed by your insightful article, follows your advice and begins to trust your expertise in energy-saving solutions. When the time comes to make a decision about a service or product, your solar business will be at the forefront of their mind.

Local SEO

Local SEO puts you ahead of the game by targeting customers in your specific area. When someone searches "solar panel installation in amsterdam" rather than just "solar panel installation", a well-optimized local listing ensures you're the top choice, increasing your chances of turning visibility into local leads and revenue. To kickstart your local SEO journey, check out this comprehensive guide from Ahrefs.

3. Social: Generate more leads for solar panels through social media

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are not just for socializing. These platforms offer free and paid advertising options specifically designed for lead generation. Share insightful posts and updates about your solar service to engage potential customers.

Golden Tips

  1. Engage, Not Just Sell: Interact with your audience. Comment on their posts with valuable insights.
  2. Quality Over Quantity: Focus on creating high-quality content rather than spamming with frequent, low-value posts.
  3. Repurpose Content: Turn blog posts into mini-articles or infographics for social sharing. Re-use existing content after a few months.

4. Webinars: One of the best ways to get more solar leads

Webinars can be a fantastic way to generate high-quality leads. Offer a free informative session on a hot topic in the solar industry such as "Sustainability and Solar: More Than Just Lower Bills". This way you can attract interested homeowners and collect their contact details for follow-up.

Quick steps

  1. Platform: Choose a reliable webinar platform that aligns with your needs and budget. Platforms like Zoom or GoToWebinar are popular choices.
  2. Content: Decide on the topic that would interest homeowners. Prepare slides and any demonstrations that will provide value to your viewers.
  3. Promotion: Use your social media, email lists, and even your website to promote the webinar. Be sure to offer an easy registration process (can be just an email to you) and send reminders as the event date approaches.
  4. Follow-up: Call every person that attended the webinar to ask if they have any questions or want help from you.

5. Facebook groups: Modern way to get high quality leads

Being active in Facebook groups that focus on home improvement or local services can be a great lead generation tactic. You can answer queries, provide value, and subtly promote your solar business to an engaged audience.

To find relevant Facebook groups where you can generate leads for solar panels, start by using Facebookโ€™s search bar to look for key terms related to your industry like "solar panels", "renewable energy", or "solar installation". Filter the search results to only show 'Groups.' You can also check out the "Groups You Should Join" or "Suggested For You" sections for additional options.

6. Referrals and affiliates: Use existing solar customers

Word of mouth remains a potent tool for lead generation. Create a referral program that rewards existing customers for bringing in new business. This not only gives you new leads but strengthens your relationship with current clients.

Pro Tips

  1. Collaborate with local sustainability organizations.
  2. Offer a financial incentive for each referral.
  3. Use branded solar vehicles as mobile billboards with a referral number.

7. Telemarketing: Generate exclusive solar leads

Though seen as a bit traditional, telemarketing can still be effective, especially for B2B solar lead generation. A well-scripted call can make all the difference in catching the interest of a potential client.

In your solar telemarketing script, quickly address customer pain points by asking about their current system. A question like "Have you considered going solar to save on electricity bills?" works well. Use their answers to offer tailored solutions, aiming to build trust within the first few seconds.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be a fast way to drive leads. Platforms like Google Ads allow you to target specific demographics, ensuring that your ads are seen by people most likely to need your services.

Start testing where ads work

To figure out what ads work best for your solar business, try different kinds. Use Google Ads to show up in searches, put your ads on Facebook to reach people there, get good reviews on Yelp to build trust, send out special deals through the mail, and even try ads in your local newspaper. Test and see which ones bring in the most customers.

Conclusion to get solar leads and more commercial solar sales

In short, you need good solar leads to grow in 2024.
Use your website to get quick leads and also use SEO and social media for more reach.
These tested ways can help you get more solar leads and keep your business growing.


Why solar lead generation is important for my solar business?

Lead generation isn't just important for your solar business; it's a game-changer. In a market full of competition, you need a constant stream of solid leads to keep the money rolling in. No leads means no business, period.

What is solar lead generation?

Solar lead generation is the targeted marketing effort aimed at attracting potential customers who need solar panel installation and renewable energy solutions. It's the backbone of your solar sales and involves various strategies for generating solar leads, including online lead generation through solar advertising. The goal is to capture high-quality leads who are actively searching for solar services and convert them into customers.

How do I generate leads for my solar business?

Generating leads for your solar business can be achieved through a mix of strategies. These include solar marketing campaigns, SEO, social media, and leveraging free solar leads from your website. To get the best results, you might consider working with solar lead generation companies specialized in the solar industry. They can help you get more leads through targeted lead generation and marketing campaigns.

Where is the best place to get leads for solar panels?

The best place to get solar leads can vary based on your specific needs and budget. Online platforms, solar lead generation sites, and even local solar advertising are all good places to start. Many solar companies find quality leads by focusing on local seo so that people search for solar services in their area find them first. There are also platforms specifically designed to help solar service providers acquire commercial solar leads.

What is meant by lead generation?

Lead generation is the process of attracting and capturing potential customers for a business. It's a crucial part of any marketing strategy, not just in the solar industry but across all sectors. Lead generation efforts aim to turn interested individuals into quality leads, usually by collecting some information like an email address or phone number. These leads are then nurtured through various marketing strategies, with the ultimate aim of converting them into paying customers.

Article by

Ruben Buijs

Ruben, the founder of Boei, leverages over a decade of consultancy experience at Ernst & Young to optimize lead generation. Boei specializes in converting website visitors into qualified leads. Outside of work, Ruben is passionate about crossfit and enjoys gaming occasionally.

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