How Do I Share My WhatsApp Number?

Ruben Buijs

Founder & Digital Consultant

Written on Aug 20, 2023

Updated on Sep 14, 2023

8 minutes


Are you wondering how to easily share your WhatsApp number with others?

In this blog post, we will guide you through the simple steps on how to share your WhatsApp number hassle-free, so you can connect with friends, family, and even potential customers on this popular messaging platform.

Key Takeaways

  1. Open WhatsApp on your mobile device and go to the Chats tab.

  2. Tap on the three dots at the top-right corner and select Settings.

  3. In the Settings menu, tap on the 'Profile' option.

  4. Tap on your profile picture or the 'Edit' button to modify your profile.

  5. Scroll down and you'll find your WhatsApp number displayed under the 'About' section.

Table of contents

  1. Key Takeaways
  2. Why share your whatsapp number?
  3. Methods to share whatsapp number
  4. Step-by-step guide to share your whatsapp number
  5. Best practices for sharing whatsapp number
  6. FAQ
  7. Conclusion

Why share your whatsapp number?

Sharing your WhatsApp number holds immense potential for enhancing communication and accessibility.

In today's digital era, where instant messaging is paramount, being easily reachable is vital for connections—be it customers, clients, or loved ones.

By sharing your WhatsApp number, you're creating a direct, convenient line of contact. This fosters customer satisfaction, engagement, and overall relationships.

WhatsApp's features, from voice and video calls to file sharing, streamline communication, all within a secure, encrypted environment.

Embrace this tool to bolster your connections and communication. Don't hesitate—share your WhatsApp number today and relish the rewards firsthand.

Methods to share whatsapp number


  1. Directly sharing your WhatsApp number: The most straightforward method to share your WhatsApp number is by directly providing it to others. Whether it's through a conversation, email, or any other communication channel, simply share your WhatsApp number with the person or group you want to connect with. This method is quick, easy, and allows for direct one-on-one communication.

  2. Using WhatsApp QR code: WhatsApp offers a convenient feature that allows you to generate a QR code for your number. By scanning this QR code with their WhatsApp app, others can easily add your number to their contacts. This method is especially useful for networking events, business cards, or any situation where you want to share your WhatsApp number in a visually appealing and efficient way.

  3. Sharing via social media platforms: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram provide opportunities to share your WhatsApp number with a wider audience. You can create a post, add your number to your profile, or even utilize messaging features within these platforms to connect with others on WhatsApp. Sharing your number through social media can help reach a broader range of people and foster new connections.

  4. Sharing through website widgets and plugins: If you have a website or blog, you can leverage website widgets and plugins to share your WhatsApp number with visitors. These tools can be easily integrated into your website, allowing users to initiate a WhatsApp conversation with you directly from the site. By providing this option, you make it convenient for potential customers or readers to reach out to you for inquiries, support, or general communication.

By utilizing these methods, you can easily share your WhatsApp number and connect with others on this popular messaging platform.

Whether it's through direct sharing, QR codes, social media, or website widgets, make it easy for others to reach out to you and engage in seamless conversations.

Step-by-step guide to share your whatsapp number

Setting up your WhatsApp profile is the first step towards sharing your WhatsApp number.

Make sure you have downloaded the WhatsApp application on your smartphone and created an account with your phone number.

Once you have set up your profile, you can customize it by adding a profile picture, status, and even a catchy bio to make it more attractive to potential contacts.

Next, you need to choose the right method to share your WhatsApp number.

There are several ways you can do this, depending on your preference and the platform you are using.

You can directly share your number by giving it to someone in person or through a phone call.

Alternatively, you can share your WhatsApp number through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

You can also share it through email or even by creating a QR code that others can scan to add you as a contact on WhatsApp.

Once you have decided on the method that suits you best, here are the step-by-step instructions for each sharing method:

  1. Direct Sharing: If you want to share your WhatsApp number directly, simply provide your number to the person you want to connect with. You can do this in person or through a phone call.

  2. Social Media Sharing: To share your WhatsApp number through social media, log in to your desired platform and create a post or update your profile with your number. Make sure to set your privacy settings accordingly to control who can see your contact information.

  3. Email Sharing: If you prefer to share your WhatsApp number through email, compose a new email and include your number in the message. You can also add a WhatsApp icon or link to make it more noticeable.

  4. QR Code Sharing: To share your WhatsApp number through a QR code, you can use online QR code generators like QR Code Monkey or QR Stuff. Simply enter your WhatsApp number, generate the QR code, and save it. You can then share the QR code through various platforms such as social media, email, or even print it out for offline sharing.

Best practices for sharing whatsapp number


Sharing your WhatsApp number is a great way to connect with friends, family, or even customers. However, it's important to follow best practices to ensure privacy and security.

First and foremost, be cautious about who you share your number with. Only share it with people or businesses you trust. It's also a good idea to review your privacy settings in WhatsApp to control who can see your profile picture, status, and last seen status.

Additionally, consider using the blocking feature to prevent unwanted messages from reaching you. This feature allows you to block specific contacts or even unknown numbers.

When it comes to managing contacts, it's helpful to organize them into different groups.

This makes it easier to send targeted messages or broadcast important updates to specific groups of people. You can create groups for friends, family, or even different customer segments.

Another important aspect of managing contacts is keeping your contact list up to date. Regularly review and delete contacts that are no longer relevant to keep your list tidy and manageable.

Once you start receiving messages and inquiries on WhatsApp, it's crucial to respond promptly. WhatsApp is known for its instant messaging capabilities, so it's important to maintain a quick response time to provide excellent customer service or stay engaged in conversations with friends and family.

Consider setting aside dedicated time each day to respond to messages or use WhatsApp's quick reply feature to send short, pre-written responses for common inquiries.

For those looking to utilize WhatsApp for professional purposes, WhatsApp Business is a valuable tool. With its suite of features designed specifically for businesses, you can create a professional profile, set automated greeting messages, and even create quick replies for frequently asked questions.

WhatsApp Business also allows you to access useful insights and statistics about your messages, helping you analyze the effectiveness of your communication strategies.


How can I share my WhatsApp number with others?

Sharing your WhatsApp number with others is easy. Simply open the WhatsApp application on your mobile device and go to the main chat screen. Tap on the three dots in the top-right corner to open the menu, then select "Settings" from the dropdown. In the Settings menu, choose "Account" and then "Share My Account" or "Share My Number." You can then select the platform or method through which you want to share your WhatsApp number, such as through a messaging app, email, or by copying the link.

Can I share my WhatsApp number through social media?

Yes, you can share your WhatsApp number through social media platforms. WhatsApp provides options to share your number on popular social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more. To do this, follow the steps mentioned earlier to open the "Share My Account" or "Share My Number" settings. From there, select the social media platform you want to share your WhatsApp number on and follow the prompts to complete the sharing process.

Is it safe to share my WhatsApp number?

Sharing your WhatsApp number is generally safe, but it's essential to be cautious about who you share it with. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption to protect your messages and calls, providing a secure communication platform. However, it's always a good idea to be mindful of sharing personal information with unknown or untrusted individuals or websites to avoid potential privacy or security risks.

Can I share my WhatsApp number with someone who doesn't have WhatsApp?

Yes, you can share your WhatsApp number with someone who doesn't have WhatsApp installed on their device. When you share your WhatsApp number with such individuals, they will receive a text message containing your number. They can then choose to save your number and contact you through regular text messaging or other communication methods. Keep in mind that they won't be able to use the full features of WhatsApp without installing the app.

Can I control who can see my WhatsApp number?

WhatsApp provides options to control who can see your WhatsApp number. By default, your number is visible to your contacts who are also using WhatsApp. However, you can customize your privacy settings to restrict who can see your number. In the "Privacy" section of the WhatsApp settings, you can choose to make your number visible to everyone, only your contacts, or specific contacts. Additionally, you can block or remove contacts to prevent them from seeing your number or contacting you through WhatsApp.

Remember, sharing your WhatsApp number is a personal choice, and it's important to consider your privacy and security preferences before sharing it with others.


In conclusion, sharing your WhatsApp number is a simple and straightforward process. By following the steps mentioned in this blog post, you can easily share your number with friends, family, or even potential customers. Whether you want to connect with loved ones or expand your business reach, WhatsApp provides a user-friendly platform for effortless communication.

Article by

Ruben Buijs

Ruben, the founder of Boei, leverages over a decade of consultancy experience at Ernst & Young to optimize lead generation. Boei specializes in converting website visitors into qualified leads. Outside of work, Ruben is passionate about crossfit and enjoys gaming occasionally.

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