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Ucraft + Twitter DMs

Free Twitter DMs plugin for Ucraft turns visitors into customers

Communicate via Twitter DMs with your Ucraft visitors to convert them into loyal customers. Start for free today.



Trusted by 100+ Ucraft sites

Quick 5-min, no code setup

Jordi Ibrahim Dan Renaat Fran Nitesh

More than 10,000 companies from 150+ countries grow thanks to Boei

collect more leads

Add Twitter DMs to Ucraft

With Boei, you always show the most important buttons of your Ucraft website, like Twitter DMs.

No annoying chatbot keeping visitors from an employee, but a solution that actually helps visitors get in touch more easily.

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4.7 of 5 30 reviews

4.5 of 5 10 reviews

5 of 5 25 reviews

Increased Reach and Visibility

By having contact on Twitter Messenger, you can tap into Twitter's extensive user base and reach a wider audience. This increased reach and visibility can help generate more leads for your business.

Direct and Immediate Communication

Twitter Messenger allows for direct and immediate communication with potential leads. This enables you to respond promptly to inquiries, provide real-time assistance, and nurture leads more effectively.

Enhanced Customer Engagement

Engaging with potential leads on Twitter Messenger allows for interactive conversations, personalized responses, and the ability to address specific queries or concerns. This level of engagement helps build trust, credibility, and increases the likelihood of lead conversion.

How it works

Discover the power of Twitter DMs on your Ucraft site

As businesses strive to enhance their customer communication strategies, it has become increasingly important to provide contact options across various channels.

One such channel gaining significant popularity is Twitter Messenger.

With millions of active users worldwide, Twitter Messenger offers a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with their customers in real-time, addressing their queries, concerns, and offering personalized support.

By integrating Twitter Messenger into the Ucraft platform, businesses can effortlessly establish a direct line of communication with their customers on this widely used social media platform.

This powerful combination enables businesses to leverage the benefits of Ucraft's website-building capabilities while tapping into the vast reach and engagement potential of Twitter Messenger.

With this integration, businesses can now seamlessly manage customer interactions, respond to inquiries, share product updates, and provide support, all from a centralized platform.

This streamlined approach eliminates the need for businesses to switch between multiple tools or platforms, saving valuable time and resources.

Furthermore, by embracing Twitter Messenger through Ucraft, businesses can enhance their customer service experience by offering prompt and personalized assistance.

With the ability to engage customers in real-time conversations, businesses can proactively address concerns, resolve issues, and build stronger relationships with their audience.

The Ucraft platform not only empowers businesses to establish a strong online presence but also enables them to effortlessly connect with their customers on Twitter Messenger.

This integration unlocks new opportunities for businesses to optimize their customer communication strategies, increase customer satisfaction, and drive business growth.

Twitter DMs icon

Twitter DMs

Twitter DMs allow users to send private messages to other users. The maximum character limit for a DM is 10,000. Users can send up to 100 DMs per day and can delete messages at any time. DMs can also include multimedia such as photos, videos, and GIFs. Users can send DMs to anyone who follows them, and can receive DMs from anyone they follow. Users can also customize their DM notification settings to receive alerts for all DMs, only DMs from people they follow, or no DM notifications at all.


Ucraft is a powerful website builder with over 200 designer-made templates, 50+ customizable elements, and 30+ integrations. Create a stunning website in minutes, optimize it with SEO tools, and enjoy fast loading speeds with 99.9% uptime. Build your online store with 70+ payment and shipping options, and manage unlimited products. With Ucraft, you get 24/7 support, unlimited bandwidth, and secure hosting, all for just $10/month.


Success stories with Boei

Discover how companies worldwide deploy our Ucraft chat plugin for superior customer service and more leads.

The voice of 10,000+ Boei fans

Meet the inspiring entrepreneurs making their dream businesses a reality with Boei


"I'm a tech noob, but Boei was super easy to install on my site.

I've added several options for contacting me through different channels, links to questionnaires / contact forms, and links to my socials...

It's so much more than just a chat button, which is awesome!"



"Boei is the superglue that bonds together our communication with our leads and customers, in the channels they most value.

Boei is simple to setup and easy to use. Ruben and his team are responsive and always available to help!

Our team loves Boei and we highly recommend you take a look how Boei can help up your communication game!"

Dieter Staudinger


"How is this possible?
I have been searching for a service like boei, without success for over a year.

Boei just works. It works so well I was suspicious of it for nearly a whole week, sending endless texts and emails to myself in utter disbelief, when it failed to keel over!

Set up is straight forward, easy and takes minutes.
Seriously, I cannot recommend Boei enough."

Sara Hall

Make widgets with more than Twitter DMs

Without code, you can deploy 50+ channels for lead generation, like Whatsapp, contact or quote form, callback request, as well as Facebook messenger and many more.

Boost Your Leads

Make it super easy for customers to reach you and see your leads increase.

Flexible and Fun

Customize Boei for each campaign or page. Experiment and find what works!

Smart Measuring

Get a clear view of your success. Track conversions seamlessly via Boei, Google, and Meta.

Plenty of Choices

With 50+ channels and countless settings, you always set the perfect tone for your audience.

All 50+ Ucraft plugins

Facebook Messenger
Facebook Messenger on Ucraft
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WhatsApp on Ucraft
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Instagram DM
Instagram DM on Ucraft
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Mail on Ucraft
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Phone on Ucraft
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Telegram on Ucraft
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Contact form
Contact form on Ucraft
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All Ucraft contact options

Ucraft & Twitter DMs FAQ

To add Twitter Messenger to your Ucraft site, you can use Boei. Boei is a website widget that enables customer chat on 50+ channels, including Twitter Messenger. Simply sign up for Boei, connect your Twitter account, and customize the widget to match your Ucraft site's design. Once you're done, Boei will generate a code snippet that you can easily embed into your Ucraft site.
Yes, Boei is the perfect plugin for adding Twitter Messenger to your Ucraft site. Boei is a website widget that supports 50+ channels, including Twitter Messenger. It allows you to easily connect your Twitter account and enable customer chat on your Ucraft site.
Adding a Twitter Messenger widget to your Ucraft site can greatly enhance your customer communication and support. It allows your website visitors to directly reach out to you through Twitter Messenger, enabling real-time conversations and providing a convenient channel for customer inquiries or assistance. With Boei, you can easily add and manage the Twitter Messenger widget on your Ucraft site.
Any Ucraft site owner who wants to provide efficient and convenient customer support should consider adding a Twitter Messenger widget through Boei. Whether you run an e-commerce store, a blog, or any other type of website, having a direct messaging channel like Twitter Messenger can help you engage with your audience, answer their queries, and resolve any issues quickly and effectively.
Twitter DMs are private messages sent between two Twitter users. They allow for direct communication between users without the need for public tweets.
Twitter DMs are a popular way for users to communicate privately on Twitter. In fact, according to Twitter, over 80% of their users have sent a DM.
Offering Twitter DMs as a contact option can provide a convenient and familiar way for customers to reach out to your business. It can also help increase engagement and build stronger customer relationships.
By using Boei, you can easily connect your website to Twitter DMs and offer it as a contact option to your customers. Boei supports over 50 channels, including Twitter DMs, and allows for seamless communication across all channels.
Ucraft is a website builder platform that allows users to create professional websites without any coding skills. It offers a wide range of customizable templates and features for individuals and businesses to create their online presence.
As a chat widget provider, Boei does not have information on the pricing of Ucraft. We recommend visiting the Ucraft website or contacting their support team directly for pricing details.
Ucraft is a popular website builder platform with a user-friendly interface and a variety of features. However, as a chat widget provider, Boei does not provide opinions on the quality of other platforms. We recommend checking out user reviews and conducting thorough research to determine if Ucraft meets your specific needs and requirements.

Free Twitter DMs plugin for Ucraft turns visitors into customers

Communicate via Twitter DMs with your Ucraft visitors to convert them into loyal customers. Start for free today.



Trusted by 100+ Ucraft sites

Quick 5-min, no code setup

Jordi Ibrahim Dan Renaat Fran Nitesh
While live chat is great for direct, synchronous conversations, it requires both parties to be online simultaneously. Boei supports asynchronous communication across more than 50 channels. This means customers can reach out when it's convenient for them and businesses can respond when they're able. Boei also offers the flexibility to proactively start conversations and present a wide range of interactive content to engage visitors.
Boei is a perfect complement to live chat. Not all customers prefer live chat - some might want to send an email, make a phone call, or reach out on social media. Boei caters to all these preferences by offering multiple ways for customers to connect with you. Additionally, Boei allows you to proactively engage visitors with custom messages, FAQ questions, callback forms, videos, and more.
Social media is an important channel for customer service, but it's only one of many. Customers have different communication preferences, and Boei caters to these by offering 50+ channels to connect with your business. Plus, Boei centralizes these communication options in one place, making it easier for you to manage.
Boei turns your website into a proactive customer engagement tool. By offering your customers multiple convenient ways to connect, you can answer their questions and address their concerns more effectively, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased conversions. The ability to proactively display messages and content can guide visitors towards making a purchase.
Absolutely. While Boei supports 50+ channels, you can choose to use only one if that suits your business best. But remember, Boei is more than just a contact tool - you can also use it to display custom messages, videos, and various forms to engage visitors proactively.
Boei is designed to initiate interactions with your customers across multiple channels. However, it does not provide a way to manage responses centrally. Each platform you connect to Boei will have its own way of managing and responding to customer interactions. The goal of Boei is to provide a versatile tool that enhances your website's ability to engage visitors and turn them into leads.