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Plausible Analytics + Mail

Track Mail conversions in Plausible Analytics

Get a clear view of your success. Track conversions seamlessly of Mail and 50+ channels on Plausible Analytics.



Trusted by 10.000+ businesses

Quick 5-min, no code setup

More than 10,000 companies from 150+ countries grow thanks to Boei

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How it works


Sign up and create a Boei widget with Mail


Install Boei on your website


Track Mail conversions in Plausible Analytics

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In more detail

Create a Mail Widget with Boei

Boei offers a versatile range of over 50 channels, including Mail, allowing you to tailor your website's widgets according to your needs. Whether you prefer a single-channel widget or a multi-channel setup featuring up to ten channels, Boei makes it simple and intuitive to customize your visitor interactions.

Example of a Mail widget

Activate Plausible Analytics Integration

Enhance your site's functionality by enabling the Plausible Analytics integration within Boei. This feature allows you to seamlessly connect and share data between Boei and Plausible Analytics Mail, provided that Plausible Analytics is already set up on your site.

Plausible Analytics integration

Configure Custom Conversion Events (Optional)

Boei supports standard events like 'BoeiOpened' for tracking clicks and 'BoeiConversion' for monitoring conversions. To further enhance your tracking capabilities, you can set up customized conversion events tailored to specific channels. For example, create a 'Plausible AnalyticsClick' event to track interactions specifically through Plausible Analytics.

Custom conversion setup

Track Mail Conversions Using Plausible Analytics

With Plausible Analytics track Mail, you can accurately monitor how effectively your Mail widgets are generating conversions. This insight allows you to make informed decisions to optimize your strategies and improve overall performance.

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Measure Mail conversions on Plausible Analytics FAQ

First, create a Mail widget using Boei. Boei provides a flexible platform that supports over 50 channels, including Mail. You can customize your widget to include just Mail or multiple channels depending on your needs. Once your widget is active, ensure that Plausible Analytics integration is enabled in Boei. This setup allows you to track every interaction that comes through the Mail widget directly in Plausible Analytics.
To integrate Mail tracking, activate the Plausible Analytics integration within Boei. This will link your Mail widget to Plausible Analytics, enabling the platform to record data from interactions. Make sure Plausible Analytics is already installed on your site. Then, in Boei, you can specify which events related to Mail interactions you want to track, such as messages sent or calls made.
Yes, once you've set up your Mail widget with Plausible Analytics integration through Boei, you can monitor interactions in real-time. Navigate to the 'Real-Time' section in your Plausible Analytics dashboard to see live data from Mail interactions. This feature is invaluable for observing immediate user responses and engagement through Mail.
Boei allows you to enhance tracking by setting up custom conversion events. Beyond the standard events like 'BoeiOpened' for clicks, you can define events such as 'MailMessageSent' or 'MailCallInitiated'. These custom events help you track specific actions taken via the Mail widget, giving you detailed insights into how users interact with your Mail features.
To differentiate Mail traffic in Plausible Analytics, utilize the custom events you've set up in Boei for Mail interactions. In Plausible Analytics, create custom segments or filters that isolate these events. This approach allows you to analyze the data from Mail separately, helping you understand the impact of Mail interactions compared to other traffic sources.

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Meet the inspiring entrepreneurs making their dream businesses a reality with Boei

Track Mail conversions in Plausible Analytics

Get a clear view of your success. Track conversions seamlessly of Mail and 50+ channels on Plausible Analytics.



Trusted by 10.000+ businesses

Quick 5-min, no code setup

While live chat is great for direct, synchronous conversations, it requires both parties to be online simultaneously. Boei supports asynchronous communication across more than 50 channels. This means customers can reach out when it's convenient for them and businesses can respond when they're able. Boei also offers the flexibility to proactively start conversations and present a wide range of interactive content to engage visitors.
Boei is a perfect complement to live chat. Not all customers prefer live chat - some might want to send an email, make a phone call, or reach out on social media. Boei caters to all these preferences by offering multiple ways for customers to connect with you. Additionally, Boei allows you to proactively engage visitors with custom messages, FAQ questions, callback forms, videos, and more.
Social media is an important channel for customer service, but it's only one of many. Customers have different communication preferences, and Boei caters to these by offering 50+ channels to connect with your business. Plus, Boei centralizes these communication options in one place, making it easier for you to manage.
Boei turns your website into a proactive customer engagement tool. By offering your customers multiple convenient ways to connect, you can answer their questions and address their concerns more effectively, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased conversions. The ability to proactively display messages and content can guide visitors towards making a purchase.
Absolutely. While Boei supports 50+ channels, you can choose to use only one if that suits your business best. But remember, Boei is more than just a contact tool - you can also use it to display custom messages, videos, and various forms to engage visitors proactively.
Boei is designed to initiate interactions with your customers across multiple channels. However, it does not provide a way to manage responses centrally. Each platform you connect to Boei will have its own way of managing and responding to customer interactions. The goal of Boei is to provide a versatile tool that enhances your website's ability to engage visitors and turn them into leads.